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All CDC & ACIP documents:
- CDC 2018 Document, Communication, and Email Retention Policies
- CDC Document and Email Retention Policies 2007-2010
- Drafts of Prevalence of ASD Among Children Aged 8 Years
- Immunization Safety Office Emails with DVIC
- Stanely Plotkin Gavel at ACIP
- Stanley Plotkin ACIP Speech October 2017
- PEP Following Laboratory Incident at CDC
- CDC Money to Task Force for Global Health
- 2018 Immunization Safety Office Members for the Last 10 Years
- Emails Between Dr. Orenstein and Dr. Thompson
- Dr. Thompson Emails 2017-2018
- Dr. Thompson Email to Frank DeStefano
- Emails Between Dr. Thompson and Dr. Anne Schuchat
- Contracts Related to Study on Safety of Vaccine Schedule
- Email Between Dr. Thompson and Kristen Pope
- Emails Between Kristen Pope and Merck
- Amanda Cohn Emails Mentioning Anti-Vax or ACIP or Plotkin
- Jon Baio Emails Regarding Autism Data
- CDC’s Vaccine Price List 1986 and 1987
- CDC Emails with Stanley Plotkin (2019)
- Frank DeStefano Emails with Gates Foundation
- NASEM Conference Documents
- Internal CDC Emails Regarding FOIA Requests and Searches
- DeStefano Emails Mentioning London Vaccine
- CDC’s 2020 Document Retention Policies
- DeStefano and Cohn Emails About Vaccine Hesitancy Conference
- 2020 Immunization Safety Office Members for the Last 10 Years
- CDC Admission No Vaxxed vs. UnVaxxed Documents Exist
- Dr. Nancy Messonnier Communications with Vaccine Manufacturers
- Emails Between Dr. Thompson and Kristen Pope
- CDC Emails with Ad Council
- CDC Emails with NewsGuard about Vaccines and Autism Webpage
- Nancy Messonnier Emails Regarding COVID from November 2019 to Present
- CDC Communications Regarding ICAN from January 1, 2017 to August 27, 2019
- Amanda Cohn Documents Pertaining to ACIP Conflicts of Interest