Yesterday, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met and voted to add COVID-19 vaccines to the federal government’s Vaccines for Children program – a program that provides vaccines at no cost to eligible children.
But that was just a warm up for ACIP’s meeting today, where ACIP Members voted unanimously, 15-0, to recommend the addition of COVID-19 vaccines to the CDC’s routine childhood vaccine schedule in complete disregard of the thousands of negative comments sent in by the public. ACIP recommends that the vaccine be given to babies 6 months of age and older with a 2 or 3 dose primary series (depending on vaccine manufacturer) and a booster dose.
That addition clears the way for these vaccines to be required for school admission. Many states, including for example Massachusetts and Virginia, already have language stating children should be immunized according to the CDC’s routine childhood vaccine schedule for schooling.
ICAN has directed its legal team to challenge every single state that mandates its students to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and will continue to be on the frontlines defending your civil rights!
The head of our legal team, Aaron Siri, has written an article about how, with ICAN’s support and funding, he and his team Will Be Challenging Any State’s Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement to Attend School (substack.com) We look forward to seeing these mandates knocked out in court!