On August 2, 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a proposed wide-ranging rule in the Federal Register addressing “non-discrimination” in healthcare. The rule, among other things, broadens the range of healthcare providers subject to non-discrimination provisions.
The rule specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of “race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in certain health programs and activities.” Notably absent from the rule is any prohibition on discrimination against patients based on their medical choices, in particular their refusal to modify their immune system through vaccination, even though this type of discrimination is pervasive throughout the country.
This insidious type of discrimination often affects the most vulnerable, as it frequently occurs in pediatric healthcare settings where physicians kick babies and toddlers out of their practice because their parents refuse to modify their immune systems with pharmaceutical products.
ICAN encourages you to make your voice heard on this widespread form of discrimination by submitting a comment on the proposed rule. Comments are due by October 3, 2022, so don’t miss this important opportunity. Share your firsthand stories of any discrimination you or your loved ones have experienced by medical professionals.