In a prior update, we provided a copy of the formal complaint that ICAN’s attorneys filed with the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity against UNICEF officials involved with promoting and distributing DTP vaccine.
These officials continue to distribute this product after the seminal study regarding DTP vaccine and mortality found that children receiving this product during the first six months of life died at 10 times the rate when compared to unvaccinated children. This confirmed what nearly a dozen other prior studies had showed – DTP increases infant mortality.
ICAN has supplemented its formal complaint by providing the ICC with the video testimony of the parents of an infant who senselessly died from a DTP vaccine:
CAN’s attorneys have also provided the ICC with a French translation of its formal complaint and has sent letters regarding this matter to the head of state and the U.S. ambassador for each country where UNICEF is currently distributing DTP, requesting that they join us in seeking to hold UNICEF officials accountable for their crimes.
Just as the pharmaceutical companies will never rest when it comes to promoting and selling their vaccine products, we will never rest in exposing the truth regarding these products.