The Congressionally-created organization, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), plays a critical role in the vaccine world, as it reviews scientific literature and writes reports that are relied upon by the federal government to determine whether individuals will receive compensation for vaccine injuries. The National Academies of Medicine was formerly known as the Institute of Medicine, or IOM, and you can read about IOM’s past reports concerning vaccines in this exchange ICAN had with HHS.
This past January and March, NASEM met to review literature on adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines and it is expected to release a report based upon that review soon.
Given that the contents of this report will likely dictate whether the thousands of individuals who have filed in the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) will receive compensation for their COVID vaccine injuries, ICAN knew it was crucial to impress upon NASEM just how momentous its upcoming report will be. Thus, on March 28, 2023, ICAN, through its attorneys, sent NASEM a detailed letter bringing to their attention various important topics related to vaccine safety.
The letter initially points out issues with CICP’s sister system, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) – which also relies on NASEM’s reports to determine compensation for individuals injured by non-EUA vaccines – noting how critical it is that NASEM address the issue of causation for serious vaccine injuries in its upcoming report.
ICAN’s letter also highlights the disastrous failure of CICP, which stacks the odds against the very people it was created to protect by virtue of its exceptionally short one-year statute of limitation, its demand for “direct proof” from claimants (despite vague requirements for receipt of compensation), and secretive process for processing claims.
The letter also touched on topics such as the grievous injuries to individuals like Maddie de Garay and the abysmal failure of federal health agencies to provide her any support or response; the egregious safety profile of COVID vaccines revealed by v-safe, a program specifically created to monitor COVID vaccine safety; and the nearly 40 million Americans that skipped their second COVID shot in all likelihood due to adverse reactions.
To drive home these points, ICAN’s lead attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., also spoke to the committee during its committee’s March 30th meeting to directly share these concerns.
ICAN will continue to monitor the situation and share any important updates, including the release of any updated NASEM reports. In the meantime, you can read the full letter here.
See below for more examples of ICAN’s work in demanding truthful information from health agencies: