As a number of brave immunologists and vaccinologists have been warning, the Covid-19 vaccines are going to drive new vaccine-resistant variants. (This is because vaccine immunity is only directed at a small portion of the virus. At the same time, the virus is constantly mutating. And a mutation that gets around the narrow “immunity” created by the vaccine will arise and will then have an advantage for spreading.)
ICAN has been raising the alarm at FDA and CDC for over a year about this issue. Having done so, we hoped they would take this seriously. So, we, through our attorneys, requested that the CDC produce: “All documents sufficient to support that COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19.”
The incredible response from the CDC is that it doesn’t have a single record showing COVID-19 vaccines do not cause variants but that, don’t worry, trust us, they don’t. Here is the CDC’s official reply: “A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request because COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants.”
The CDC promises the public that its decisions are based on studies and data but, yet again, when asked for those studies and data, it has nothing to produce. It instead insists that its dictates just be believed. That is not acceptable. ICAN intends to continue to hold our public “health” agencies to account for their claims.