Longtime ICAN supporters will be familiar with ICAN’s ongoing efforts to demand answers from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) as to why the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP) vaccine is still being used despite the clear evidence it kills far more children than it saves.
In line with those efforts, ICAN’s attorneys recently wrote a letter to YouTube asking why it took down a video of world renowned vaccinologist and vaccine proponent, Dr. Peter Aaby, explaining how DTP vaccine increases mortality.
In the video, Dr. Aaby discussed the DTP vaccine, noting his own research, supported by several more peer-reviewed studies, clearly shows that DTP shots more than double mortality among infants up to six months of age. This is because their immune systems are harmed, increasing the likelihood of death from infections other than diphtheria, tetanus, or pertussis.
A three-page letter sent to YouTube carefully detailed the historical and medical information about DTP, and listed the awards and plaudits Dr. Aaby has earned for his work in medicine. YouTube’s response, however, was to email back a few lines of boilerplate language asserting the video was “inappropriate” and violated “Community Guidelines.”
YouTube’s careless attitude unfortunately echoes that of UNICEF, which has been turning a deaf ear to Dr. Aaby’s and ICAN’s warnings since December 2017. In July 2020, ICAN’s attorneys filed a Crimes-Against-Humanity proceeding against UNICEF with the ICC demanding a response to Dr. Aaby’s findings about DTP. We then lodged complaints with the UN special rapporteurs on Health, Torture, Poverty, and Indigenous Peoples.
As our letter to YouTube pointed out, Dr. Aaby’s analysis “is critical to an ongoing conversation about the use of DTP in nations across the globe.” But YouTube apparently does not want that conversation to happen. The unfortunate result of this decision is that the truth will not be the only thing to suffer here. Vulnerable infants in vulnerable countries and their parents will be the ones that suffer from the continued administration of this dangerous vaccine.
ICAN will be continuing to take action to protect against the deaths of children from DTP. In the march of history, truth eventually prevails. We will keep pushing the truth until it does.