During the pandemic, FDA conducted analyses of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and tried to hide the results from the public. After two years of FOIA requests and lawsuits, FDA finally produced a portion of its “Empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining” reports. This type of analysis was designed to detect COVID-19 vaccine safety signals using VAERS reports. The data should be very revealing as far as what issues FDA was seeing during the vaccine rollout—especially given the agency has kept this data secret for years. This is the first time this critical data has been released to the public.
An initial review of the records produced has revealed a long list of adverse events that far surpassed FDA’s “standard alert threshold”—meaning, there is (or should have been) great concern on the part of federal health authorities who were privy to this data. As just one example, ICAN discovered that “heavy menstrual bleeding” and “menstruation irregular” began showing up on the reports as early as April 2021!
The EB analyses are one type of report that FDA and CDC were supposed to be producing as part of the safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccines. If you recall, CDC planned to detect safety signals using a method called Proportional Reporting Ratio, or PRR. After denying that any PRR records existed, ICAN was forced to sue in order to obtain CDC’s PRR data. Once we received it, it became exceedingly clear why CDC tried to keep it buried: numerous concerning conditions far exceeded CDC’s threshold for safety detection! We expect to see much of the same with the EB data.
ICAN is working on an in-depth analysis of this sought-after EB data and will update you with its findings. We encourage other independent analysts to do the same.
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